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Verder Scientific UK Ltd
Parsons Lane Hope
Hope Valley S33 6RB England
Velká Británie
Verder Scientific Pty Ltd
10 Village Crescent
Linbro Business Park
Gauteng 2065
Jižní Afrika
☏ +32 3 870 96 40 (Belgie)
☏ +31 30 677 92 61 (Nizozemsko)
Verder Scientific Comércio de Equipamentos Ltda.
Rua Continental number 146
09750-060 São Bernardo do Campo
São Paulo
☏ +55 11 4391 4145
Verder Shanghai Instruments and Equipment Co., Ltd. - Shanghai office
Building No.15, Lane 739, Kangwei Road
Pudong District
201204 Shanghai
☏ +86 21 33932950
Ústředí společnosti Verder Scientific
Retsch-Allee 1-5
42781 Haan
☏ +49 2104 2333-500
Verder Scientific Inc.
11 Penns Trail
Newtown, PA 18940
Spojené státy
☏ +1 866-473-8724
Verder Scientific UK Ltd
Parsons Lane Hope
Hope Valley S33 6RB England
Velká Británie
☏ +44 (0)845 458 5196
Verder Scientific Pvt. Ltd
Plot No – 5A/10-11, 1st Floor,
ID Nacharam, Road # 1, Uppal Mandal,
Hyderabad, 500076
☏ +91 40 2980 6688/89/90
Verder Scientific Pty Ltd
10 Village Crescent
Linbro Business Park
Gauteng 2065
Jižní Afrika
☏ +27 (010) 6120141 (Johannesburg)
☏ +27 (0860)109 259 (Cape Town)
☏ +27 (010) 6120141 (Exports)
Verder Scientific Austria GmbH
Reitbauernweg 26
5440 Golling
☏ +43 6244 32082
Verder Scientific Benelux
Kontichsesteenweg 17
2630 Aartselaar
☏ +32 3 870 96 40
☏ +31 30 677 92 61
Verder Scientific Comércio de Equipamentos Ltda.
Rua Continental number 146
09750-060 São Bernardo do Campo
São Paulo
☏ +55 11 4391 4145
Verder Shanghai Instruments and Equipment Co., Ltd. - Shanghai office
Building No.15, Lane 739, Kangwei Road
Pudong District
201204 Shanghai
☏ +86 21 33932950
Verder SARL
8 Allée Rosa Luxembourg
Immeuble Arizona
95610 Eragny-sur-Oise
☏ +33 (0)1 34 64 31 11
Verder Scientific S.r.l.
Via Pino Longhi, 12
24066 Pedrengo (BG)
☏ +39 035 19913800
Verder Scientific Co., Ltd.
10F Shimomoto Building, 46-3
Hatsudai 1-chome, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 151-0061
☏ +81 3 6276 0073
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