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Požádat ihned!VERDER SCIENTIFIC nastavuje standardy ve vývoji, výrobě a distribuci laboratorních a analytických zařízení špičkové technologie. Produkty výrobních společností Verder Scientific se používají po celém světě v těchto oblastech.
Carbolite Gero is a leading manufacturer of high temperature furnaces and ovens from 30°C to 3000°C. We are the technology leader in tube furnaces as well as vacuum and special atmosphere technology. With more than 80 years of experience in thermal engineering, Carbolite Gero develops innovative solutions trusted by research laboratories, pilot plants and manufacturing sites around the world. Carbolite Gero products are defined by their superior energy efficiency as well as excellent reliability and use of high-quality components.
Eltra is a leading manufacturer of elemental analyzers for the rapid and precise determination of CHNOS content in solid materials using combustion methods. With more than 40 years of experience, Eltra develops innovative solutions for a wide range of samples and concentrations. We are the leaders in technical service as well as application support and trusted by researchers and quality control laboratories around the world. Eltra products are defined by accurate and reliable measurements, user-friendly software operation and robust design.
QATM is a leading manufacturer of materialography and hardness testing equipment in all material classes. With more than 40 years of experience, QATM develops innovative solutions in the field of surface preparation for subsequent structure and defect analysis. The product portfolio is supported by an extensive range of consumables, software options and complete laboratory solutions. As quality and technology leader, QATM products are defined by the highest level of reliability while solving our client's applications.
Společnost Retsch je předním výrobcem laboratorních mlýnů, čelisťových drtičů a sítovacích zařízení. S více než 100 lety zkušeností vyvíjí společnost Retsch inovativní řešení pro přípravu neutrálních vzorků a analýzu velikosti částic. Výrobky Retsch, kterým důvěřují výzkumní pracovníci a laboratoře kontroly kvality po celém světě, se vyznačují vynikajícím výkonem, snadným použitím, bezpečností a dlouhou životností. Jako lídr na trhu a v oblasti technologií nabízíme nejkomplexnější sortiment zařízení.
Microtrac is the leading manufacturer of analytical instruments for particle size & shape, stability & dispersibility as well as gas adsorption analysis. With more than 50 years of experience focusing on the entire niche market, we are offering the most comprehensive solution spectrum in particle characterization. Microtrac develops innovative products trusted by customers in quality control and research & development. Our instruments are defined by excellent performance and accuracy, reliability and user-friendly operation.
Erweka is a leading manufacturer of high-quality tablet testing equipment, with special focus on pharmaceuticals. With more than 65 years of experience, Erweka develops innovative solutions for large pharmaceutical and life science companies, research and test laboratories, as well as universities all over the world. Erweka stands for excellent product quality, attractive design, user-friendly operation and reliable performance.